Thursday, April 28, 2016

My weaving studio

How could I not like weaving when I have a studio like this. This is only half of the room and I also have a sewing room.

Sewing is a big part of finishing your woven products, unless you hem stitch which always gives a nice look.

This room has supper high ceilings and so it feels very open. I arranged it so that I maximized all the light I could for my looms.

You only see one floor loom in the picture, but the rest of the room I have two more floor looms.

One is close to the window and the other has a wall light with direct able light.

Just a couple of days ago my sample card turned up so I have been spending time thinking on what I want to weave so that I can place my order. Mind I also want to be able to sell supplies as well so will be bringing in extra for other people.

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